3/1 Balls Lane, Mysterton QLD 4812

Let’s talk about breathing…

If there is anything that you can do to improve your health status, something that is more important than exercise and diet, (although they are super important too) it is ensuring that you are breathing correctly.

Soft, diagrammatic, nasal breathing! Oxygen enriching, energy-giving, anti-inflammatory, calming AND sleep-inducing! 😇 Who knew that breathing correctly was so powerful!

Did you know there is such a thing as dysfunctional breathing? It is for this reason, I popped together the video below so that you can get a ‘feel’ for where we are going with this focus on correct breathing ‘technique’.

Call it a technique all you want, but it is actual natural and it is what your brain actually prefers.

Feel free to contact me at the clinic if you would like more information!

