3/1 Balls Lane, Mysterton QLD 4812

Tongue and lip ties

The evaluation of ties can be quite tricky! What appears to be tied, may in fact not be causing any functional problems for the client or adult patient, however,  some ties have gone undetected for years and have significantly impacted the ability of the tongue or lip to be fully functional and had health implications that reach beyond the obvious. The evaluation regarding release should be made with consideration given to the form and the function.
Book an appointment
Should an evaluation for a release be recommended, Cathy can help to organise a referral to the most appropriate practitioner. She recognises the detrimental effect that ankyloglossia (tongue tie) can have on clients, but also the importance of post-release therapy. Oral soft tissues heal fast! It is natural then, for tissues to want to re-attach as soon as possible, and a course of post-release myofucntional therapy is recommended to commence before or on the day of the release to minimise reattachment and maximise the benefits of your release.