3/1 Balls Lane, Mysterton QLD 4812

What is Orofacial Myology?

Orofacial Myology (or orofacial myofunctional therapy) is a customised care programme for the evaluation and treatment of abnormal facial and oral muscle functions in children and adults.
Poor or incorrect muscle function and habits can adversely affect many of the everyday actions we generally take for granted.
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Chewing, swallowing, speech patterns, breathing, and facial growth patterns undergo change when facial muscles are not functioning correctly. Through a series of exercises and habit correction patterning (myofucntional therapy) help to retrain the muscles and brain (neuromuscular re-education) for improved function, balance, and health.
An incorrect function could be, or be caused by, one or more of the following:
>>  Thumb or finger sucking habits
>>  Deviated swallowing habits (e.g. tongue thrust)
>>  Lip closure weakness
>>  Mouth breathing habits
>>  Tongue tie
>>  Nerve damage
 >>  TMJ pain or dysfunction
>>  Poor facial muscle fitness (OK…lets just call it aging!)
Each client is an individual and programmes are designed around the specific needs of each patient.
Often clients are treated prior to other specialist intervention (e.g. prior to orthodontic treatment) and there is a growing awareness in the medical and dental community of the importance of myofunctional therapy in ‘completing the picture’ in post-surgical or neuromuscular rehabilitation for both children and adults.
Orofacial Myologists work in collaboration with medical and dental specialists (Orthodontists, ENT’s and Oral Surgeons), general medical and dental practitioners and other allied health practitioners to help clients reach the best possible health outcomes. It’s a team approach… who’s on your team??
Not sure where to start… YOU can call for an assessment… no referral is necessary!