3/1 Balls Lane, Mysterton QLD 4812

Start correct swallowing patterns as soon as you can!

Modern-day parents are surrounded by advice and opportunities to ‘grow’ healthy babies these days! The advice comes from well-meaning friends and relatives, social media and tonnes of advertising. (Kind of makes me glad life was simpler back in the day! ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Naturally, one area of particular interest to me is oral development. This starts during those formative years are really important to set the scene for ongoing oral wellness.

Dysfunctional (incorrect) muscle movements can greatly impact the way the teeth and jaws develop, so encouraging correct muscle movements like swallowing as your baby grows is one of the best ways parents can assist nature in its work.

Babies can be introduced to alternate forms of nutrition from the age of 6 months. It is the choices we make for our children in this area where the correct oral function can be facilitated (or not)!

The introduction of taking liquids directly from a cup can begin at 6 months of age. Babies are often looking to begin their exploration and mimic parents or older siblings at this age. The healthy choices are breast milk, formula or water of course. It sounds so young…but those little babies are smart and they learn to become proficient quite quickly!

Introducing foods via the baby-led weaning method is another valuable lesson for little ones and whilst it is messy (been there) however it really does promote a wonderful opportunity for the tongue to work the food around the mouth correctly and that aids teeth and jaw development.

There are many fabulous books on introducing foods to your little ones, and my favourites are both by Diane Bahr. The first is ”Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother)That!” and the second is ”Feed Your Baby and Toddler Right”

I’ve come across two little products that I just love…and it takes me back to how we used to introduce food and drinks to little ones many years ago. I’m so rapt with these and they are now available in Australia so I decided to do a little (non-paid) video to extol their virtues from my perspective. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you want to check them out head over to ezpzfun.com.au