3/1 Balls Lane, Mysterton QLD 4812

Sleep and snoring issues

Muscles of the mouth and throat and their function, fitness, and placement can really affect the quality of sleep in an individual. Snoring can be so very detrimental to a person’s health (not to mentions the other members of the family!)
Establishing a reliable nasal breathing airway is especially important in helping with your health improvement journey.
Young children should not regularly snore, grind their teeth, be very restless, wake frequently, sleepwalk, have nightmares or bed wet (after the age of 5), or wake up tired. Should these be occurring then an assessment is recommended to evaluate the airways and any possible obstruction.

Book an appointment

In the older population, ‘sleep hygiene’ tips can help teens and adults recognise some of the simple changes that can be made to help improve their sleep patterns. Myofucntioal therapy for sleep fitness can certainly help with these areas, and with the help of other members of your health team if necessary, improve your physical and mental health, and general quality of life.