3/1 Balls Lane, Mysterton QLD 4812

Mouth breathing

Nasal breathing is natural, healthier and recommended!
For some, the ability to do this is difficult (or almost impossible) due to physical obstructions, poor habits or functional restrictions.
The evaluation of the reasons why a person ‘chooses’ or is restricted to breathing through their mouth is often missed but is a vital key to their health and wellbeing
Sometimes it is necessary for a client to be referred for an ‘airway evaluation’ by an ENT specialist (ear, nose and throat specialist) and this can be enlightening for all!
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The benefits of nasal breathing are significant. When air passes through the nasal sinuses, it is warmed and filtered, and Nitric Oxide is released into the lungs, into the bloodstream and then into the organs, and significantly improves the function for each. Teaching a client to successfully nasal breath as a normal functional habit is life changing. Improved general health, concentration, energy, sleep, posture, speech and swallowing functions are all achieved when nasal breathing is the ‘norm.
Orofacial myology is often recommended by ENT’s following surgery for tonsil and adenoid removal, or nasal surgery to facilitate to correct existing breathing habits.